Demon Hunter : Shallow Water - tekst piosenki i teledysk

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Tekst oraz teledysk do utworu Demon Hunter : Shallow Water, album The World Is a Thorn.

Shallow Water


Oryginalny tekst piosenki:


Shallow Water

Remember the threat Rom which it was said
"You will reap every seed that you sow"
And the tomb where you lay is the bed that you made
Be still in the pain that you wrote
See now, every scar is a choice you make
Every choice is a vow you take
Take pity upon your fate, you coward

Sleepwalk through heaven's call, no forest for the trees
Unlearn every step you take, it'll bring you to your knees

Shallow water
Safe from the weight, the burden of sacrifice
Sons and daughters, pray for the rain
May it redeem their eyes

And now we have seen what complacency brings as the blind are assuming the lead
Dig deep in the hole where you buried your soul, in the river from where it bleeds

Take now your eternal stand before it pulls you in

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