Disturbed : A Welcome Burden - tekst piosenki i teledysk

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Tekst oraz teledysk do utworu Disturbed : A Welcome Burden, album The Sickness.

A Welcome Burden


Oryginalny tekst piosenki:

A Welcome Burden

Heavy! You want it heavy!
Welcome to my world, feel the weight of it grinding down, and Heavy! I want it heavy!
Welcome to my world, feel the weight of it grinding down again

Gather your pathetic masses and bring them to me
To a world devoid of light
To another time, to another place
And let the broken ones taste my misery
Rip away her disguise and you will realize that ya find
The truth is sickening!
We don’t need to change it, realy
I kind of like it ugly!

Leave it! Make it!
Binding! Seething! Blinding! Screaming!
Heavy! You want it heavy!
Welcome to my world, feel the weight of it grinding down, and Heavy! I want it heavy!
Welcome to my world, feel the weight of it grinding down again

Gather your psychotic masses and bring them to me
To a world devoid of sanity
Another time, & another place
And let the violent ones crave calamity
Rip away her disguise and you will realize that ya find
The truth is sickening!
We don’t need to change it, really
I kind of like it ugly!

Leave it! Make it!
Binding! Seething! Blinding! Screaming!

The race of the Mother Culture is thickening!
The rape of the Mother Culture is nearing!
The face of the Mother Culture is sickening!
The rape of a Mother is the loving I need
Bleeding now- 1!2!3!4!

Heavy! You want it heavy!
Welcome to my world... grinding down, and Heavy! I want it heavy!
Feel the weight of it grind down!
Heavy! You want it heavy! You want it heavy! You want i t heavy!

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