Disturbed : Bound - tekst piosenki i teledysk

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Tekst oraz teledysk do utworu Disturbed : Bound, album Believe.


vodmire1's channel

Oryginalny tekst piosenki:



Darkness cover me

I'm not ready to die, girl
Because of what you don't tell me
I'm not ready to walk inside of where you're taking me
I'm not ready to die, girl
Because of what you don't tell me
I'm not willing to compromise the man i want to be

Think you're a little bit closer
To changing me
You're never winning me over
You're wasting time

Leave me be

I'm not ready to die, girl
Because of what you don't tell me
I'm never going to tow the line of your conformity
I'm not ready to die, girl
Because of what you don't tell me
I'm not ready to leave the realm of anonymity

Think you're a little bit closer
To changing me
You're never winning me over
You're wasting time

Get away from me

Think you're a little bit closer
To changing me
You're never winning me over
You're wasting time

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