Metallica : Devil's Dance - tekst piosenki i teledysk

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Tekst oraz teledysk do utworu Metallica : Devil's Dance, album Reload.

Devil's Dance


Oryginalny tekst piosenki:


Devil's Dance

Yeah, I feel you too
Feel, those things you do
In your eyes I see a fire that burns to free the you
That's wanting through
Deep inside you know, seeds I plant will grow

One day you will see
The dance come down to me
Yeah, come on, come on now take the chance
That's right
Let's dance

Snake, I am the snake
Tempting, that bite you take
Let me make your mind, leave yourself behind
Be not afraid
I've got what you need, hunger I will feed

One day you will see
The dance come down to me
Yeah, come on, come on now take a chance
Come dance

Yeah, come dancing

One day you will see
The dance come down to me
Yeah, come on, come on now take a chance

Yeah, I feel you too
Feel, those things you do
In your eyes I see a fire that burns just for you
That's running through
Deep inside you know, seeds I plant will grow

One day you will see
The dance come down to me
Yeah, come on, come on now take a chance
That's right
Let's dance

It's nice to see you here

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