Route 94 : My Love - teledysk oraz tekst piosenki

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Teledysk oraz oryginalny tekst piosenki "My Love" zespołu Route 94. Zachęcamy do posłuchania tej wyjątkowej piosenki z różowo-żółto-pomarańczowym klipem, który na pewno ma swój niepowtarzalny klimat.

My Love - Route 94 feat. Jess Glynne


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Więcej na temat: Route 94  Jess Glynne 

Tekst oryginalny:

My Love

My love and my touch
Up above, made with the warmth of my
My love and my touch
Up above, made with the warmth of my
My love and my touch
Up above, made with the warmth of my
My love and my touch
Up above, made with the warmth of my

My love and my touch
Up above, made with the warmth of my
My love and my touch
Up above, made with the warmth of my
My love and my touch
Up above, made with the warmth of my
My love and my touch
Up above, made with the warmth of my

Love, stay close to me!
Love, stay close! stay close!
Uuuu, uuuh babe babe!

My love and my touch
Up above, made with the warmth of my
My love and my touch
Up above, made with the warmth of my
My love and my touch
Up above, made with the warmth of my
My love and my touch
Up above, made with the warmth of my

Love, stay close to me,
Love, stay close! stay close!

Uuuu, uuuh babe babe...

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