Nirvana : About a Girl - tekst piosenki i teledysk

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Tekst oraz teledysk do utworu Nirvany : About a Girl, album Bleach.

About a Girl


Oryginalny tekst piosenki:

About a Girl

I need an easy friend
I do, with an ear to lend
I do think you fit this shoe
I do, won't you have a clue

I'll take advantage while
You hang me out to dry
But I can't see you every night, free

I do

I'm standing in your line
I do hope you have the time
I do pick a number two
I do keep a date with you

I'll take advantage while
You hang me out to dry
But I can't see you every night, free

I need an easy friend
I do, with an ear to lend
I do think you fit this shoe
I do, won't you have a clue

I'll take advantage while
You hang me out to dry
But I can't see you every night
No I can't see you every night, free
I do x4

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